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Cyberbullying Prevention
Cost: $250
10 - Week Course
Green & Growing:
Developing Growth Mindsets
Cost: $275
10 - Week Course
Differentiated Instruction:
An Introductory Course for
Teachers & Instructional Coaches
Cost: $275
10 - Week Course
School Attendance 101
Cost: $250
10 - Week Course
School Counselors and
Student Achievement
Cost: $250
10 - Week Course
Instructional Redesign:
Alternatives to Problematic Strategies
Cost: $250
10 - Week Course
Classroom Organization & Management
Cost: $275
10 - Week Course
Ethics for Educators
Cost: $250
10 - Week Course
Successful School Leadership Part II:
Culture & Climate, and Effective Teams
Cost: $250
10 - Week Course
Successful School Leadership:
Balancing Effort, Efficiency, and Effectiveness
Cost: $250
10 - Week Course
We are now offering
Professional Development Sessions!
Click on the photo for details!
Bundling Deals!
If you are interested in our bundling deals, be sure to:
1. Register for your classes in PowerSchool.
2. Register for your classes via our "SHOP" link. Purchase Orders are accepted.
3. You will receive a phone call and email from us to determine which course you plan to complete first.
4. Start your class once confirmed.
PLEASE NOTE: This offer only applies to individuals.
About Us provides online ACLD PLU coursework for individuals that hold an administrative certificate in the state of Alabama. We are an approved provider through the Alabama State Department of Education. We also offer high-quality professional development sessions for teachers and novice principals. is founded by Dr. Alicica' Washington. Our slogan is “Rising to Excellence, Learning with Joy, and Building our Future." The cost of ACLD PLU tuition ranges from $250-275 per course.
All courses begin on Fridays. All fees are NON-REFUNDABLE.
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